Thursday, March 3, 2011

Tired of being a rock

It amazes me how dating can affect a persons psyche. I have been a rock to a very close friend of mine and I'm really just done. I have to vent over this because I can't mentally take listening to the whining and crying of a grown man complaining how he's done it again- gone and picked a girl who cant handle him.

Every time he dates someone new, all he talks about is--she does this and that, and its so cute when....blah blah blah! I do not care! now its all- I think this is the last conversation we're going to have (no its not- you are in the same show together- you will see her for hte next month!)...

I can't take the desperation and then the whining about how he chooses these girls who just turn around and go back to their ex's. This is a man who needs a therapist. Alas, he things therapy is pointless. Funny- he kinda treats me like his therapist- but i've now stopped answering the phone. I can't do it. It wears me down. Im tired of being that person that everyone NEEDS to count on. Its too much pressure. I don't want it.

I have my own problems. I get emotional but I deal with it on my own. I hide. I don't text people and get needy....I get being there for someone, I do, I have done it alot. I think I am just done being understanding and a shoulder to cry on. GROWN MEN- need to learn that a 20 year old girl isnt going to be a life long partner after 2 weeks! stupid! I walk in to rehearsal and there's crying.

I'm tired of crying, whining, complaining, needing, its tiring and im exhausted. Im not a real therapist, I dont even want to be. I think there is a time and place to be pouty and huffy and its not in a rehearsal studio full of people.

SUCK IT UP...its just a girl...there will be others!

ok I think I've got most of it out of my system.

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